
Feb 15, 2019

Questions and Answers on the Conditions for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven (7)

Question 7: Today we believe in the Lord Jesus; we suffer and sacrifice to spread the Lord’s name, forsaking everything else. We are doing the heavenly Father’s will. This means we have already been made holy. When the Lord arrives, He will definitely rapture us into the kingdom of heaven.

believe in God,The Church of Almighty God,judgment,the truth,life

  Answer: As for how we can enter the heavenly kingdom: The Lord Jesus said, “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21). Although people sacrifice to spread the Lord’s name, forsaking all else, you cannot deny that they also sin quite a lot. The fact that they sin means that they belong to Satan and are still corrupt. They are still able to resist and betray God; this means they have not truly been cleansed. If they were kings, they would set up their own kingdoms in opposition to God. This is enough to prove that they haven’t truly been cleansed and made holy. How can people that resist God this way be qualified to enter the heavenly kingdom? Sacrificing for the Lord, spreading the gospel, establishing the church, supporting the faithful, etc, these are all very good behaviors. If people practice these behaviors out of love, if they truly are sacrificing for God, if they want to obey and satisfy God, if they do not seek to make a deal with God, then these behaviors are truly good; God will remember these behaviors and bless these people. If they are doing it in an attempt to make a deal with God, if they seek to satisfy their fleshly desires, if they're doing it to enter the heavenly kingdom and be rewarded, then these behaviors are just attempts to trick God; these people are resisting God! Therefore, is the fact that you practice these behaviors evidence that you are implementing the heavenly father’s will? Does it mean you’re holy? Definitely not! Their good behaviors will still be matched with their sinful natures. They are only doing those things because they want to make a deal with God. This proves that men are too adulterous. How can people like this truly love God and obey God? Men are subject to and controlled by their sinful natures. When God does and says this that are not in line with their own conceptions, they judge Him, denounce and condemn God. When God puts them through trials, they misunderstand, hate and betray God.Men can believe in God while exalting and following other men at the same time. They listen to other men before they listen to God. People who serve God can often act on their own conceptions, exalt themselves, bear witness to themselves and take God as their enemies. Men are controlled by their sinful nature. As soon as they gain power, they will establish their own kingdoms, with God as their enemy. This is just like what the rabbis, scribes and Pharisees did; when Lord Jesus came to do His works, they fanatically condemned and resisting Him in order to protect their own positions. As a result, Lord Jesus’s grace never came to the Jews. Were they not establishing their own kingdoms in opposition to God? Therefore, if their sinful nature has not been resolved, even people who look like they’re laboring and behaving well have not had their satanic natures cleansed. Therefore, how can these people really implement God’s will, regardless of how much they suffer or what works they do? Those that implement God’s will are undoubtedly also those that obey God. They are definitely of the same mind as God. They surely will not rebel against or resist God. These people are the ones who are qualified to enter the heavenly kingdom and receive God’s promise.

from the movie script of Stinging Memories

Watch more: 

Christian Short Film | Warnings of the Last Days From God "The Days of Noah Have Come" 

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